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Autodesk inventor 2016 exploded view free- Autodesk Inventor Learn by doing by Tutorial Books - Ebook | Scribd
Undo Button in Tweak Components Command When you create tweaks, you can go back one step and cancel the previous tweak by the Undo button. Default Trails When you create a tweak, you select an option to create default trails: None cancels creating trails.
All Components creates trails for all selected components. All Parts creates trails for all selected parts, excludes subassemblies from creating trails. Single creates a single trail for the entire tweak regardless of the number of moved components.
The trail starts from the triad location. Enhanced Trail Editing Use the direct editing tools on the Tweak Components mini toolbar to manually add, edit, or delete trails or trail segments. Manual Trails When the default trails do not match your needs, you can add trails or trail segments manually.
Note: A full trail denotes a complete component path in a presentation view. A trail segment represents a specific translational or rotational tweak. Dynamic Preview in Auto Explode When you use the Auto Explode command, select the Preview box to dynamically preview the exploded view of the model.
Levels of Auto Explosion Two options are available to autoexplode the model: One Level separates all selected components down to one level in the hierarchy. Explode a new presentation view automatically You can set a single tweak distance for all components when you create a presentation view.
On the ribbon, click Presentation tab Create panel Create View. Select a model file and click Options to specify model representations. Select Auto Explode as the Explosion Method. Then select One Level or All Levels to automatically separate all components down to one or all levels in the hierarchy. Set the tweak distance. Double-click a shaded view to make it the active view.
When changes are made to a model component, the presentation views are updated automatically. Exploded Views and Tweaks You can auto-explode the model in a presentation view.
Trails Trails are lines in an exploded view that show the relationship of a component to the assembly. Animations Use a presentation view to more clearly demonstrate how parts in an assembly interact and fit together. Create an animation based on an exploded view, and record the animation in a video file.
The animation consists of tasks and sequences that include component tweaks. Tip: To enhance animations, use of the different visual styles available to the scene. Model Representations in Presentation Views When you create a presentation view, you can use a design view representation, positional representation, or level of detail representation of the model. To display the trails for the automatic tweaks, make sure that Display Trails is selected.
Click Preview to check the effect of your entries before clicking OK to accept them. Note: The specified distance is added to any existing tweaks in the view. Add tweaks to a presentation view manually You can add tweaks to a component or group of components in an existing view.
Note: You can also enter the tweak distance and set the direction vector using the settings in the dialog box.
Show Me how to create an exploded assembly. Parent topic: Exploded views and presentations overview.
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